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Education Session

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Confidence You Can Take to the Bank

Education Session Room - 205 C | 1:20pm-2:10pm

Presented by CaGBC

Standardizing Building Energy Retrofits to Increase Funding Opportunities. Are you a developer looking for a quality assurance mechanism for originating your retrofit project? Are you an investor looking for a steady stream of high-quality, pre-certified projects? Are you a program administrator looking for off-the-shelf technical requirements and best practices to attract high quality contractors, private investors and projects?  If you said yes to any of the above questions, then you need to learn about an innovative new tool for developing building retrofit projects: The Investor Confidence Project (ICP) and their Investor Ready Energy Efficiency (IREE) certification. By standardizing the way in which energy efficiency projects are conceived, developed, measured, and verified, the IREE certification is transforming how the market underwrites and invests in energy conservation measures for existing commercial and multifamily buildings. To help introduce this tool in Canada, the ICP Early Adopters Program is enabling retrofit projects to pursue the IREE Certification with added technical support and industry recognition.


Brandy Burdeniuk, Chief Customer Officer of Green Business Certification Inc. Canada (GBCI Canada)

Brandy Burdeniuk, Chief Customer Officer of Green Business Certification Inc. Canada (GBCI Canada)

Brandy Burdeniuk is the Chief Customer Officer of Green Business Certification Inc. Canada (GBCI Canada) responsible for advancing GBCI Canada’s service offerings nationally including: LEED, Arc, Zero Carbon, Parksmart, SITES, Investor Confidence Project (ICP) & TRUE Zero Waste Certification.


As an executive, industrial designer, entrepreneur and troublemaker Brandy has worked with leading designers, businesses, institutions & governments to excite them about creating, living, working, and thriving in healthy sustainable buildings.

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