Education Session
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Understanding Interaction Between GBCI Canada's Newest Green Building Programs
Session Room - 205 C | 8:00am-8:50am
Presented by CaGBC
Learn about GBCI Canada’s slate of new Green Building Programs, their intent, and the synergies. This session will cover LEED and LEED Zero, TRUE Zero Waste program, the Parksmart certification system for parking structures, and the Sustainable SITES Initiative for landscapes. It will also touch on Zero Carbon Buildings, Investor Confidence Project (ICP), GRESB, Arc, WELL, and the RELi resilience design criteria. Attendees will obtain key information required when considering rating systems for a variety of green building projects.
Brandy Burdeniuk, Chief Customer Officer of Green Business Certification Inc. Canada (GBCI Canada)
Brandy Burdeniuk is the Chief Customer Officer of Green Business Certification Inc. Canada (GBCI Canada) responsible for advancing GBCI Canada’s service offerings nationally including: LEED, Arc, Zero Carbon, Parksmart, SITES, Investor Confidence Project (ICP) & TRUE Zero Waste Certification.
As an executive, industrial designer, entrepreneur and troublemaker Brandy has worked with leading designers, businesses, institutions & governments to excite them about creating, living, working, and thriving in healthy sustainable buildings.