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Education Session

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Smart Stuff for Smart Buildings: What is it, Where to get it, Why buy it, and Who is going to make it work

Session Room - 206 B | 1:20pm-2:10pm


We are inundated with massive amounts of new hardware, software, programs, service offerings for intelligent, green, clean, healthy, low carbon buildings. The innovation in products and the many Internet of Things is rapidly changing and challenging the building industry. A panel representing owners, providers, facilitators and educators will discuss the topics of smart building needs, new technology solutions, life cycle costs and benefits and the new workforce training to advance the smart building industry.

David Katz, MBA, President, Sustainable Environmental Solutions

David Katz, MBA, President, Sustainable Environmental Solutions

After 27 years of corporate procurement and planning responsibilities with Canadian Bechtel Engineering, Johnson & Johnson and Ontario Hydro, David Katz established Sustainable Resources Management in 1993 to invest in and provide, marketing and administration services to an energy management controls company. Trained on Applied Decision Analysis, Expert Systems and Life Cycle Costs, David provides training and consulting services in the application of these programs.

He was program manager and co-developer of the Building Intelligence Quotient rating program developed for the Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA) and is an Ambassador Speaker for CABA, He participates in the Smart Electric Power Association Customer Grid Edge expert working group and he is also a Corporate Partner member of the Energy Transformation Network of Ontario.

David currently teaches part time at George Brown College and provides the Intelligent Buildings Seminar for the Electricity Forum. He has made recent presentations in Canada and USA at Grid Modernization conference, Distributech, Home Connect and Next Gen Home Energy Management. He currently consults on energy management, building automation and smart grid opportunities.



Jiri Skopek, Managing Director, Sustainability


As Managing Director, Sustainability with ECD JLL, Jiri Skopek provides advice to owners and managers of large portfolios on sustainable development in the fields of design, asset and facility management, emergency preparedness, business continuity and smart building and leads innovative business development solutions. He is a vice-chair of Districts 2030 Network Board of Governors, chair of Sustainable Buildings Canada, and board member of Sustainable Housing Foundation and Beach Community Energy Coop. He has been appointed a member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) President-Elect Advisory Council and the Leadership Team of the GCTC Smart Buildings Action Cluster (organized by the US Department of Commerce, in partnership with other U.S. federal agencies including U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (DHS S&T), National Science Foundation, International Trade Administration, and National Telecommunications and Information Administration).

Andre Zupancic, Principle, Magnetite Canada

Andre Zupancic, Principle, Magnetite Canada

Often neglected when considering energy loss is the building envelope. Magnetite window insulating panels are the solution to old and new inefficient windows by improving the energy efficiency,reducing noise, reducing condensation and improving the life cycle of existing windows without costly replacement. The Magnetite solution is one that offers both industry and the individual the opportunity to make a difference to the carbon footprint and the bottom line.Serving U.S, Australia and Canada for the last 35 years.

Tom Hawkett, Director, Business Development. EmbeddedSense, Inc.

Tom Hawkett, Director, Business Development. EmbeddedSense, Inc.

A Business Development expert enabling cost effective technology solutions to solve client challenges in the building and property management space. With a business background and working for Lafarge and several industry software companies, he delivers a unique perspective. He currently works with Embedded Sense Inc, an IoT solution provider through wireless sensors and Universal HUB to monitor, trigger actions and be analyzed to run Smart Buildings, controlling costs/energy, optimizing space and mitigating water damage. 

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