2022 CAI Canada Conference Program

CAI Canada is proud to announce that our 2022 annual conference will be held in tandem with the REMI Show. This co-location poses a range of excellent opportunities for CAI Canada and its valued members and supporting sponsors. CAI Canada will be delivering a specific condominium education program “Condominium Industry Track” that is an important component of the REMI Show’s overall education program. CAI Canada Conference attendees will be able to enjoy our condominium education track sessions and will have open access to other REMI Show education sessions at no charge. Beyond the robust education program, CAI Canada Conference attendees will also have complimentary access to the REMI Show trade show floor and all industry networking/social events.
Complimentary Registration:
Please click here to register at NO CHARGE for the 2022 CAI Canada Conference.
If you are interested in exhibiting and/or sponsoring the 2022 CAI Canada Conference, please contact chuckn@mediaedge.ca or 416-803-4653.
Download the CAI Conference and REMI Show kit.
2022 CAI Canada Conference Education Program:
Wednesday, June 8th, 2022
CAI Canada Conference Breakfast
8:00am – 8:45am - Room 203 (ABCD)
Keynote - Condo Legal Roundup
8:45am – 9:45am - Room 203(ABCD)
Snakes and Ladders - The Traps and Tricks of Condo Litigation
This informative session will look at some of the pitfalls that are associated with condominium litigation, and how to avoid them in your condo community. Small decisions can have big consequences, and the panel will provide some practical tips and solutions to avoid litigation and contentious situations in your condo.
Keynote Presenters:
Shawn Pulver, Pulver on Condos (moderator)
Carol Dirks, Fogler Rubinoff LLP
Rob Mullin, SmithValeriote Law Firm LLP
CAO/CAT Update
10:30am – 11:15am - Room 203(ABCD)
The Condominium Authority of Ontario (CAO) aims to improve condominium living by providing services and resources for condo owners, residents and directors. Learn about what’s new at the CAO and Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT). This session will include:
A brief overview of the CAO's structure, role, and services
Updates on new CAO services and resources
Condominium Authority Tribunal Update
A brief overview of the CAT's role/process
Session Presenters:
Keegan Ferreira, CAT Updates
Tim Lund-Pedersen, CAO Updates
Mental Health First Aid Kit
12:00pm – 12:45pm - Room 203(ABCD)
Whether you are an owner, director, property manager or someone who works with condos there is likely going to be at least one or more occasions where you will have to deal with a situation that involves a person who is experiencing a mental health crisis. What do you do? We all have our first aid kits ready for a physical injury but what do we have in our first aid kit for situations involving mental health issues.
This session and our panel will provide you with practical tips and resources to put into your first aid kit which will help you navigate these types of situations.
Session Presenters:
Sonja Hodis, Barrister Solicitor & Notary (moderator)
Yasmeen Nurmohamed, Royale Grande Property Management
Dr. Alexander Daros
Supply Chain Woes
2:00pm – 2:45pm - Room 203(ABCD)
2021 and 2022 have seen significant impact to global supply chains. Come join our expert panel consisting of an Engineer, Condo Manager and Condo Lender to learn not only about the specific financial impact this has had on condominiums, but also the operational impact and how projects are actually getting completed.
Session Presenters:
Lyndsey McNally, CWB Maxium
Jordan Vandervelde, Edison Engineers
Matthew Atkin, GSA Property Management
Thursday, June 9th, 2022
“Who Let the Dogs Out?” - Pets in Condos
10:30am – 11:15am - Room 203(ABCD)
This session featuring a condo manager and condo lawyer will provide tips and suggestions to managers who are facing problems with owners and their pets including a look at a recent court case involving tenants with aggressive pets. In addition, our panel will highlight the roles and responsibilities relating to service and companion pets.
Session Presenters:
Inderpreet Suri, Shibley Righton LLP
Lazarus Kalimeris, Melbourne Property Management
Plugged In: Electric Vehicles in Condos
12:00pm – 12:45pm - Room 203(ABCD)
This informative session will focus on providing tips and helpful information on preparing your condominium corporation to handle electric vehicles. Our panel will take you through the legal and technical aspects required to ensure that your condominium corporation is ready and able to respond when an owner’s request to install an Electric Vehicle Charging Station is received.
Session Presenters:
Chris Buligan, Ozz Electric
Jake Fine, Lash Condo Law